Total 5.3 Nulled - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme ⋆ ThemesUK FREE Download

Sovereign Download Total Nulled Theme is a modern and responsive WordPress subject designed to be custom. Total Wordpress Theme was created with umteen different niches and professions in mind bloggers, online stores, lawyers, agencies, wedding planners, hosting companies, nonprofits and Thomas More. Total theme is one of the few top selling themes that really includes direct bear out from the developer!

Total WordPress Theme Changelog

              V5.3              AddedMany new section template designs. AddedNew Card Styles (simple 7,8,9 | numbered list 5,6 | portfolio 4,5,6 | testimony 8, 9 | look 1,2,3,4,5,6 | News 1,2,3,4,5,6). AddedNew category colors functionality (screencast). AddedNew advanced Widget Areas dashboard (screencast). Added3 alternative picture overlay styles (screenshot). AddedNew toggle switch (show/hide) functionality for elements so you can create your own "tabs/toggles" (screencast). AddedNew Toggle switch element and then you don't possess to use the WPBakery FAQ (screenshot). AddedNew toggle Group element for group the new on-off switch elements and create an accordion style toggle. AddedNew shadow option to the WPBakery columns (screenshot). AddedCustomizer option for choosing how the header bill of fare dropdowns open – superfish, css vacillate or pawl (screenshot) – WOW – if you choose one of the unexampled styles (css hover or happening get through) it will remove 2 scripts from your site speeding things up. AddedCustomizer choice for the new heading menu CSS and onclick hovers to "animate" the dropdowns (screencast). AddedCustomizer option for setting a padding for your header bill of fare dropdowns. AddedCustomizer option for setting the minimum width for your header menu dropdowns. AddedCustomizer option to leave you to define your contingent logic for the Overlay/Transparent header via a query string (screenshot). AddedCustomizer option so you send away enable/disable the default megamenu "stretching" which makes megamenus the synoptical width as your header. AddedCustomizer option for entering a usage "gap" (spacing) between the WooCommerce single product drift thumbnails. AddedCustomizer option for sanctionative/disabling the WooCommerce product gallery slider arrows. AddedCustomizer alternative for disabling the single WooCommerce product page header claim. AddedCustomizer option to enable the WooCommerce product category page header background epitome by default option (like the blog). AddedNew shadow option to the Image Banner ingredient. Added"Relevance" arsenic an orderby option for Total post founded elements. AddedSupport for Advanced Parallax to the WPBakery Section element. Added8 columns option for wont with grid elements. Addedhome_url shortcode which English hawthorn be useful to dynamically associate to your homepage (such as in your footer copyright text). Added"Tidy sum Gap" option to the Bend Container so you can specify a divers gap when the elements stack. AddedBottom Icon expressive style to the Icon Box chemical element. AddedButton borderline-width option to the Pricing Table element. AddedDevice max-width to the Column selectors in the Customizer to go far easier to understand where the breakpoints are (screenshot). AddedExtra class name pick to the Station Cards element for the tease entry, see and featured entry (screenshot). AddedNew order CSS utility classes (view classes). AddedCustom max-width alternative to the WPBakery rows so you can constrain the row content (corking when creating dynamic templates if you want a narrower content for the post such as this example). AddedMax-breadth option to Total post elements (Post Comments, Post Meta, Post Terms, Author Bio, Post Serial publication). Added"Good deal at Breakpoint" option to the Picture Box seat (indorsement) element when victimisation the left over or right styles. This is especially useful when displaying larger images instead of icons where you may want the image to stack on top at smaller screen sizes. AddedTitle Tag option to the Post Cards element so you can choose the html tag (h2, h3, h4..etc) to use for the entry titles. AddedResponsive choice to the Total spacing element if you desirable to set a different space at different breakpoints. Added"A-ok Back" option to the Theme Button element "Along click natural action" options. AddedSome new options to the Image Slider element (subtitle coloring material, subtitle font exercising weight, caption "none" style, overlay option, etc). AddedExtra options to the Usage Login Thomas Nelson Page admin control panel. AddedNew max-width CSS utility classes. AddedParse Callback field to the Bespoken Field element sol you sack enter a callback run name that will be used to pass your custom field value through. UpdatedOptimized and converted most of the paper's jQuery code to vanilla js. Only a few features require jQuery now (such as the sliders & carousels) all core js nobelium longer requires any dependencies. UpdatedTotal Dynamic Resizing for images today supports the native WP srcset functionality. UpdatedTheme retina functionality to consumption srcset instead of javascript (retina.js) this means your retina images will display instantly, they will beryllium responsive and there is one inferior file being loaded on the locate. UpdatedHeader logotype will at present use srcset for the retina version instead of javascript so the retina logo will display instantaneously now. UpdatedWooCommerce grids now use a modern CSS grid layout so we don't have to add individual classes to each cartesian product which isn't efficient and may grounds issues with 3rd party plugins due to issues with the plugin. This will also allow for theme card game to live utilised with product entries. UpdatedSnippet for WooCommerce shop at masonry grids support to work with the new changes to the products grid. UpdatedWooCommerce product entries to use new bend styles for guardianship items the said to (by default) without the postulate for javascript (also prevents CLS) and renamed the "Equal High Entries" mount in the Customizer to "Bottom Adjust Buttons" which leave solely display if the "Always Visible Add to Cart Button?" scope is enabled. UpdatedWooCommerce product entries add to cart clitoris to switch to "position pushcart" after adding an item (screencast). UpdatedWooCommerce cart overlay play down to friction match the search overlay screen backgroun. UpdatedWooCommerce azygous product add u to cart button to abide by the default and customizer push styles for consistency and easier alteration (aka it no thirster has its own uncomparable styling). UpdatedDefault author corner to use the gap property for spatial arrangement between the avatar and text alternatively of margin to slim out classes and make it easier to adjust. UpdatedDemo importer so if the same show is imported multiple times the theme will off any duplicate menu items added by WordPress automatically. UpdatedNavigation barroom indeed the custom side margin is far from the last item to prevent issues when adding menus on the reactionary side of an element. UpdatedWordPress gallery (when victimised in the classic editor Beaver State text block) to use modern CSS gridiron classes to reduce code. UpdatedMoved the javascript for theme put up elements masonry (isotope) grids to its own js file so that it crapper be full sole if needed along the page. UpdatedAdded Styling for the default thingummy blocks added away WordPress when number 1 installing WP. UpdatedTheme button styles to also target the Gutenberg seek block and file block buttons (since WordPress, somehow, adds custom styling to these elements instead of inheritable button element styles). UpdatedThe Title Push Up overlay style to usage CSS only (previously mandatory javascript) and will now also make for on the Post Card game constituent when links are disabled. UpdatedSmaller thumbnails on the category/term admin foliate that match the same sized used for WooCommerce categories. UpdatedWhen using the nav-atomic number 102-link in your menus the theme will now automatically add a tabindex value of -1 to the golf links for accessibility reasons. UpdatedFull-screen mobile menu will no more add duplicate menu items if on that point is a parent menu particular that has some a link and a dropdown, or else if you suction stop the carte item once it will open the dropdown and if you click it a second time it will go to the link. UpdatedDemo importer so IT volition automatically hunt/replace the demo URL with your site Uniform resource locator indeed whatever potential links ill-used in a demo to link to itself won't link out to the show after import simply rather link to your own site. UpdatedOptimized header expressive style 5 (centered logo) rendering on mobile indeed the logo displays immediately on page encumbrance. UpdatedAccessibility improvements for the search and cart popup overlay "x" (close-set) button. UpdatedThe "Get rid of Emoji Scripts" melodic theme panel setting will now as wel remove the WordPress "convert_smilies" function that is addicted into the_content. UpdatedFont sizing options in Total elements to support the "vh" unit. UpdatedIt's now easier to drag items in and out and round the Flex and Grid containers. UpdatedPDF attachment page to display textbook if the browser doesn't support PDF's. UpdatedSearch Bar element sol you can usance term=current_term and author=current_author when using the search bar within self-propelled archive templates. FixedIssue where if you set your mobile menu breakpoint to 9999 the sticky header wouldn't exercise unless you enabled muggy coping on mobile. The musical theme volition now set a mobile breakpoint for the sticky header of 960px rather so you can still control if the sticky is enabled or not along small devices when using 9999 for the mobile menu breakpoint. FixedFont sizing issues with the icon box when using responsive font sizes (delete and Ra-install the Total Theme Core plugin for an instant fix) FixedStray closing tie-in element in the Icon Box seat element (delete and re-instal the Total Theme Core plugin for an instant fix). FixedIssues when victimisation the Boxed in site layout combined with a Vertical Lintel and the "Fixed" consolidation lintel style (the flat header will now properly remain inside the enclosed area and "fixed" by using the new new "sticky" position). FixedIssue with the load more push in Total grid elements when using custom hover styles on buttons affecting other elements on the page with tradition hovers. FixedPotential issues with in for Customizer settings not displaying. FixedIssues with the Templatera shortcode not properly displaying on archives (fix added in the theme until the plugin developers fix the issue on their end). FixedThumbnail column showing in the WP admin for base types created with the Post Types Unlimited plugin when the post type did not support thumbnails. FixedPadding & Ground options not employed properly in the Teaser Enclosed element when selecting the Boxed Rounded style. FixedText Blocks non displaying correctly privileged the Control grid Element in the WPBakery front-end editor. FixedToggle bar closing when clicking on the situation (not toggle button) when the "Remember State" setting is enabled and the display is down to "Overlay" making it impossible to really keep it unprotected. FixedPotential issue with topical gyre links when resizing the browser windowpane if the viscous header gets taller operating room shorter. FixedMobile fare issues when exploitation the Navbar mobile menu toggle style set to "Top of Site" Menu Position and the difficult header enabled along mobile. FixedShop cart link not screening on the Full Screen mobile menu style. FixedMissing close image happening the cart overlay. FixedIssue where if you denaturized the prune location of your thumbnails defined in the Image Sizes panel it wouldn't work without regenerating your thumbnails. FixedIssue where the entranceway tantamount height option for blog archives was beingness enabled for the masonry layout when it should only be allowed along the Fit Rows layout and you couldn't disable IT in the Customizer equally the setting would hide one time the masonry layout was designated. FixedLogo top/bottom padding not working when victimization the centered logo header style. FixedTheme component icons show in the WPBakery grid builder. FixedLine-height issue with the Face Icon component when adding a impost size resulting in empty distance above the image that shouldn't be there. FixedBlog Card 3 background issue. FixedAccessibility issue with the onus more than button so when you load parvenue items the center is placed on the first loaded post. FixedCustom 404 page non taking on the discipline default page layout. FixedDisplay issue with the Fancy element when a border radius is set and an Image Overlie. FixedCustom spatial arrangement with the list detail element adding extra space. FixedCustom logo not getting removed when using the reset button under Report Panel > Import/Export due to recent WP changes. FixedSpacing issues at the bottom of the shop/blog page when using a dynamic template for standard pages. RemovedCSS vendor prefixes which are no more needed to greatly slim down the CSS (you may deprivation to check any child theme edits to remove them too and slender down your code). RemovedTheme no longer oodles a vcex-shortcodes.js file when using the Total Theme Core plugin – all JS is now conditionally loaded if needed. RemovedThe "X-UA-Compatible" meta go after and headers for Id est which are no more needed. RemovedRetina Logo Height options in the Customizer and theme settings metabox As they are not needed with recent srcset methods for setting retina logos. Dev Notes: Added - wpex-js and wpex-no more-js body classes. Added - "wpex_header_menu_dropdown_method" filter. Added - "wpex_card_template" filter soh you bum override a Card template before information technology's rendered. Added - "wpex_hover_button_overlay_position" strain if you want to qualify the hover button style so that you can click happening the entire overlay not equitable the button (sample snippet) Added - "wpex_header_logo_img_html" filter for overriding the coping logotype img html. Added - "wpex_card_more_link_url" filter for overriding the link Universal resource locator on the say more card element. Added - "wpex_grid_columns_class" for modifying the gridiron column class which controls the grid-template-columns attribute added to CSS grids in the theme (currently only used for WooCommerce grids merely may be ill-used elsewhere in the future). Added - "wpex_grid_columns_class_auto_responsive" filter which is ill-used in the new "wpex_grid_columns_class" function which will automatically make grids pot on small devices (479px and under). Columns take over always stacked in the theme on mobile when using the wpex-row class so this functionality was implemented so the new grids behave the same as the preceding rows but nowadays with the power to to disable it. Added - PHP Classes for adding video, parallax, overlay and partition settings to WPBakery sections and rows instead of adding settings separately for each element (DRY principle). Added - PHP Class "TotalTheme\Conditional_Logic". Added - align-self utility classes Added - "vcex-isotope-grids" script for topic element isotope grids. Added - .ware-actions chemical element around the WooCommerce product entry add to cart release for easier styling and preclude potential flex-boxwood issues. Added - has_thumbnail_overlay WPEX_Card class method. Added - windowpane.vcexIsotopeGridFilter js function to handle filter links. Added - Helper classes "wpex_get_term_color_class" and "wpex_get_term_background_color_class" which will return the classname "has-condition-{term_id}-color" or "has-terminus-{term_id}-background knowledge-tinge". Added - "wpex_term_colors_supported_taxonomies" filter so you can filter the taxonomies that reinforcement the new term colors functionality (by default it returns 'category' simply). Added - Helper functions "wpex_register_sidebar" and "wpex_register_footer_widget_area". Added - Filters "wpex_sidebar_widget_class" and "wpex_footer_widget_class". Added - "footer-reveal" ID to the "footer-discover-visible" element. Added - "toggle-bar-clitoris" ID to the "toggle-bar-release" element to slim the JS needed to swap the icons when clicking the button. Added - Much javascript so when linking to WPBakery tabs the theme wish scroll to the top of the tabs container with an added 20px spacing above or else of scrolling to the tab mental object, this way the tabs are visible to the end user which is especially useful when linking to tabs from other pages. Added - aria-controls attribute to the header search icon and cart icons. Added - wpex-first-border-none and wpex-last-border-none utility program classes. Added - "wpex_attachment_object_content" filter for overriding the new school tex displayed on PDF fastening pages when the browser doesn't support pdfs. Updated - Now if you disable decrease JS in the Stem Panel IT will also load United Nations-minified versions of totally the Total Theme core scripts and 3rd party libraries in use by the theme and Whole Root word Core. Previously this option was used for the main total.min.js file only. Updated - Demo Importer will now process the xml data last. Updated - You tail now override shape dividers via assets/shape-dividers/ in your child theme. Updated - Advanced Parallax is no longer hidden (via opacity 0) until page is loaded. Updated - Advanced Parallax no longer loads the scrolly2 js file simply uses new JS in the theme which has too been optimized. Updated - CSS used for the products hover push button location to economic consumption transformY alternatively of a negative bottom of the inning position to allow for easier mods (for illustration adding a spacing around the button is now executable using a padding without affecting the hover effect). Updated - Optimized the elbow room the usance sticky header logo whole works so instead of it overriding the img src time value on scroll the radical in real time inserts a unweathered image tag to the header for the sticky logo then uses CSS to show/hide the different logos. Updated - WooCommerce product entry alignment now uses utility classes instead of inline CSS. Updated - WooCommerce product sale badge will no more be hidden until site is fully loaded. Updated - Posts Thumbnail Grid & Users Grid widgets right away uses a current CSS control grid and divs instead of a UL leaning. Updated - The "wpex_grid_class" function has been renamed to "wpex_row_column_width_class". Updated - CSS for the WooCommerce single product gallery thumbnails to use a CSS reference grid and greatly slim down the CSS needed to create the columns for these thumbnails. Updated - Single theme functions to use $post instead of $post_id params to be more efficient. Updated - TotalThemeCore\Meta\Term_Thumbnails class renamed to TotalThemeCore\Term_Thumbnails. Updated - Optimized CSS used to conceal stretched rows before WPBakery stretches them. Updated - The outline button panach now uses currentColor for the border color to slim down the CSS and soh when you change the color of any outline button the border will adjust automatically. Updated - The "nav-no-chatter" function now works with css via pointer-events instead of JS. Updated - The Overlay Header Offset function for WPBakery rows to hide the course until the offset is calculated for a better initial version. Updated - wpex_get_post_thumbnail routine indeed if the image size being returned is non set to "full" merely the width/height values are either ransacked or greater than surgery be to 9999 to return the full image size via wp_get_attachment_image_src instead of passing the mental image through the cropping class. This optimizes the display of full images and provides support for the WP srcset serve connected non-cropped root outlined image sizes. Updated - Theme javascript that uses the moderation.js plugin to check and make for certain the hand is loaded and if it's not fallback to "swing" for the default easing. This way you can remove the script from your site if wanted without breaking section scroll functions. Updated - Motif button element so if you give it a custom width the "wpex-flex-shrink-0" is also added to ensure the correct width is used when placed inside flex containers. Updated - Sidr handwriting used for the sidebar mobile fare to the not-jQuery adaptation which also uses CSS animations instead of js. Updated - Sidebar mobile carte du jour uses prefixed classes now "sidr-right" and "sidr-left" instead of just "left" and "right" - this is portion of the non-jquery updated sidr handwriting variation used in the theme. Updated - Javascript accustomed allow keyboard support for WPBakery tabs is now conditionally loaded only if tabs exist on the Thomas Nelson Page as opposed to being added to the global whole.min.js data file. Updated - Mobile bill of fare dropdown arrow active state no yearner changes the ikon content property but or else rotates the icon making it easier to customize the icon via customs duty CSS and provides nicer animation. Updated - CSS to target the sidebar wandering menu look input field to fair game the stimulus type (input[type="search"] to prevent any possible conflicts with child theme CSS targeting search inputs. Updated - Percent/Skillbar to remove any JS dependencies and use CSS for the animation. Updated - Bulk large Animation CSS file cabinet (hover-css.min.css) to remove vendor prefixes and code that was used to fix old browser bugs which is no longer needed reduction the file size to only 14kb from 33kb. Updated - @font-face in the wpex-woocommerce.css file to use face-video display: block; to suppress Google Insight warnings. Updated - Icon Box element to add the simulacrum breadth and height attributes when the "Resize" option is disabled. Updated - scroll and match events to hit them "unresisting". Remote - The "vcex_row_video" function has been deprecated. Far - The "vcex_row_overlay" function has been deprecated. Distant - The "vcex_supports_advanced_parallax" occasion has been deprecated. Remote - The "vcex_supports_shape_dividers" function has been deprecated. Abstracted - The "vcex_parallax_bg" purpose has been deprecated. Removed - The "vcex_offset_vc" function which was deprecated in 4.0 Removed - The information-style attribute added to wrangle overlays as it wasn't being used for any price. Removed - The "wpex_vc_modify_params" strain and optimized the way the theme alters WPBakery params. Removed - Some old CSS that was used for overriding WooCommerce styles which is no longer needed atomic number 3 the theme removes the default plugin stylesheets. Removed - The "match-meridian-smug" and "mates-height-grid" classes are no longer used for the WooCommerce shop. Separate - window.vcexHovers js function and moved the code to wpex.hoverStyles Removed - wpex_vc_add_params filter and TotalTheme\Integration\WPBakery\Add_Params and optimized the way in which the theme was adding custom parameters to default WPBakery elements. Removed - security deposit:0 CSS from buttons As it wasn't doing anything and could conflict with some gutenberg block buttons. Remote - slash at the end of self closing element tags (img, inputs, etc) Removed - wpex.overlayHovers() js fuction atomic number 3 it's no more needed. Removed - CSS that was concealment WP video shortcode videos until the window was ladened. Abstracted - CSS fallback colors for rgba declarations. Removed - "wpex-woo-entry" classname from ware entries which wasn't beingness used for numerous years now. Abstracted - "wpex_maybe_add_woocommerce_entry_grid_class" permeate no longer needed. Removed - "wpex_filter_woocommerce_post_class" filter no longer requisite. Removed - "wpex_woocommerce_custom_post_class" filter no longer necessary. Removed - width "motorcar" property from the lintel logo image so that the inexperient retina logo functionality using srcset works without having to calculate a max-tiptop for the image.

Tot up WordPress Theme Features

  • Built using WordPress PHP primo coding practices & standards and CSS stacked with SASS
  • Modern Design
  • SEO optimized
  • WPML Certified
  • Clean & Unexpired Code
  • Responsive Subject
  • Retina Image Fend for
  • CSS3 Animations
  • Child Theme Compatible
  • Parameters and Cleanup WP Head
  • Awesome premium Bundled Plugins
  • Option To Set Default Page Layout
  • Optional Back down To Top Button
  • Styled Custom CSS Field
  • TranslatePress Compatible
  • WooSidebars Untrammelled Custom Sidebars Supported
  • Contact Form 7 Supported
  • WordPress SEO by Yoast Supported
  • Visual Composer Drag & Drop Page Builder Plugin Included gratis!
  • Bespoken Sensory system Composer Extension
  • Level Slider Agiotage WordPress Yellow-bellied terrapin Plugin Enclosed
  • Slider Revolution Premium WordPress Slider Plugin Enclosed
  • WooCommerce Compatability
  • Custom Post Types: Portfolio, Stave and Testimonials
  • Unlimited Blog, Portfolio, Faculty and Good word Pages
  • Filterable Web log, Portfolio, Staff and Good word Pages
  • 1-4 Tower Portfolio, Stave and Testimonial Page Layout Options
  • Masonry Blog, Portfolio, Staff and Commendation Pages
  • Custom Black & Good Filter Option
  • Tradition Hover Personal effects
  • Symple Mega Menu
  • Local Scroll Option
  • Add Icons To Menus
  • Select Specific Navigation Menus Per Foliate
  • Custom Parallax Image Wrangle Backgrounds
  • Impost Row font colors
  • Custom Theme Rebranding Option
  • Custom Logotype Upload
  • Custom Favicon Upload
  • Custom iPhone & iPad Icon Uploads
  • Google Analytics Field
  • Boxed Layout
  • Full-Width Layout
  • Option To Select Layout On A Per Page Basis
  • Left, Right and No Sidebar Emily Price Post/Page Layouts
  • Full-width Brand/Page Layouts
  • Option To Select Sidebar Localisation On A Per Situatio/Page Basis
  • Customised Container Width Options
  • Custom Sidebar Breadth Option
  • Responsiveness Toggle
  • Custom Religious music Breadth Option
  • Customs Backgrounds
  • 3 Heading Styles
  • Optional Fixed Header
  • Facultative Header Look
  • Ex gratia Header Cover Navigation
  • Custom Lintel Cushioning Options
  • Custom Logotype Allowance Options
  • Custom Page Title Styles: Default, Centered, Centered Minimal, Paradigm
  • Custom Header Picture Support
  • Page Title Subheading Options
  • Page Setting Options To Disable Title, Incapacitate Header, Select A Layout And Hyperkinetic syndrome A Slider On A Per Page Basis
  • Google Font Options
  • Custom Blog Pageboy Guide
  • Impost Blog Brand Series Option
  • Custom Post Formats For Images, Galleries, Quotes, Audio and Video
  • Custom Image Cropping For Blog, Portfolio, Staff, Testimonials, WooCommerce Products, and
  • Custom WP Picture gallery
  • Footer Callout
  • Footer Widgets 1-4 Columns
  • Custom Copyright Text
  • Built-in Social Unselfish For Posts
  • SEO Options For Sidebar Headings, Footer Headings, Breadcrumbs, Versio

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Total 5.3 Nulled - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme ⋆ ThemesUK FREE Download

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